Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 277

 Explain the importance of the Nile River and how its fl oods were
important for farming

 Identify hieroglyphics as the system of writing used in ancient

 Explain the signifi cance of gods/goddesses in ancient Egypt

 Identify pyramids and explain their signifi cance in ancient Egypt

 Describe how the pyramids were built

 Explain that much of Egypt is the Sahara Desert

 Identify the Sphinx and explain its signifi cance in ancient Egypt

 Identify Hatshepsut as a pharaoh of ancient Egypt and explain
her signifi cance as pharaoh

 Identify Tutankhamun as a pharaoh of ancient Egypt and explain
his signifi cance

 Explain that much of what we know about ancient Egypt is
because of the work of archaeologists

 Identify Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as three of many world

 Locate Jerusalem, Israel, and the area known as the Middle East
on a map

 Defi ne monotheism as the belief in one God

 Locate places associated with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

 Explain that Islam originated in Arabia

 Identify key fi gures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

 Identify symbols of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

 Identify buildings associated with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

 Identify important holidays of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

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