Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 317

Dear Family Member,

For the next several days, your child will be learning about another ancient civilization,
ancient Egypt. S/he will learn that, like Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt also had all the
components of a civilization: farming, cities, writing, leaders, and religion.

Below are some suggestions for activities that you may do at home to reinforce what
your child is learning about ancient Egypt.

  1. Compare Civilizations

After your child has fi nished learning about ancient Egypt, which will be in about a
week, help your child complete the activity page attached to this letter. Ask your child to
identify the picture for Mesopotamia and the picture for ancient Egypt at the top of the
page. Read the words on the page to your child, and ask your child what s/he knows
about that word. Then have your child draw a line from the word to the picture of the
matching civilization at the top.

  1. Ancient Egypt
    Explore a topic related to ancient Egypt with your child. Your child will learn that
    ancient Egypt was located on the continent of Africa; the land was mainly desert; the
    civilization fl ourished next to the Nile River; it had a writing system called hieroglyphics;
    the people believed in many gods; they had leaders called pharaohs who built the
    famous pyramids and the Sphinx.

  2. Create Your Own Message

Your child will learn that the ancient Egyptians developed a writing system called
hieroglyphics. Using the sample hieroglyphic alphabet attached to this letter, invite your
child to write a “secret” message to you in hieroglyphic code.

  1. Read Aloud Each Day

Continue to read to your child each day. Please refer to the list of books sent home
with the previous family letter, recommending resources related to ancient Egypt.

I hope you have enjoyed hearing about early world civilizations from your child.


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