Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 2 | Writing in Mesopotamia 37

 Prior to listening to “Writing in Mesopotamia,” identify orally
what they know or have learned about Mesopotamia
 Share writing with others

Core Vocabulary

cuneiform, n. Writing using wedge-shaped symbols found in
Example: Warad taught Iddin how to read the cuneiform written on the
tablet of stone.
Variation(s): none
records, n. Written information
Example: The teacher keeps attendance records of all the students in
his class.
Variation(s): record
scribes, n. People whose job it is to write things down
Example: The scribes wrote the laws on clay tablets.
Variation(s): scribe
symbols, n. Pictures or shapes used to stand for something else
Example: The letters of our alphabet are symbols for sounds.
Variation(s): symbol
tablets, n. A thick, fl at piece of stone, clay, wood, or paper used for
Example: Today we will see cuneiform written on stone tablets.
Variation(s): tablet
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