Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 3 | The Religion of Babylon 53

 Prior to listening to “The Religion of Babylon,” identify orally
what they know and have learned about Mesopotamia
 Share writing with others

Core Vocabulary

gods/goddesses, n. Powerful unseen rulers, both male and female, that
people living in ancient times believed controlled what happened in the
Example: The people thanked the gods and goddesses for providing
good weather.
Variation(s): god, goddess
priests, n. Religious leaders
Example: The priests left food for the gods, hoping they would protect
the soldiers in battle.
Variation(s): priest
religion, n. The belief in and worship of a superhuman, controlling power,
such as a personal God or gods
Example: Some holidays, such as Hanukkah and Easter, are connected
to a religion.
Variation(s): religions
temples, n. Buildings created for worship and practicing religious beliefs
Example: Ancient temples were often beautiful buildings crowned in
Variation(s): temple
ziggurat, n. A tall, pyramid-shaped structure with a temple at the top
Example: The priest cared for the sun god’s statue at the top of the
Variation(s): ziggurats
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