Far UV image
The Sun
This far-ultraviolet image
of the sun made from
space has been enhanced
and rendered in false
color to reveal complex
structure on the surface
and clouds of gas
trapped in arched
magnetic fi elds above
the surface. (NASA/TRACE)
The sun is the source of light and warmth in our solar system, so it is a natural object
of human curiosity. It is also the one star that is most clearly visible from Earth. The
interaction of light and matter, which you studied in Chapter 7, can reveal the secrets of
the sun and introduce you to the stars.
In this chapter, you will discover how the analysis of the solar spectrum can paint a
detailed picture of the sun’s atmosphere and how basic physics has solved the mystery of
the sun’s core. Here you will answer four essential questions:
What do you see when you look at the sun?
How does the sun make its energy?
What are the dark sunspots?
Why does the sun go through a cycle of activity?
Although this chapter is confi ned to the center of the solar system, it introduces
you to a star and leads your thoughts onward among the stars and galaxies that fi ll the