Evolution And History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Johanson, D. C., & Wong, K. (2009). Lucy’s legacy: The quest
for human origins. New York: Harmony.

The adventures of fossil hunters and scientific debate both
shine in this accessible book. While it begins with Johanson’s
own discovery of Lucy, the book is notable for its balance.
It presents both sides of many of paleoanthropology’s recent
controversies along with interesting and engaging profiles
of the international scientists who are weaving together the
story of our evolution.

Larsen, C. S., Matter, R. M., & Gebo, D. L. (1998). Human
origins: The fossil record. Long Grove, IL: Waveland.

This volume covers all the major fossil discoveries relevant
to the study of human origins beginning with the Miocene

apes. It has detailed drawings and clear, brief descriptions of
each specimen, introducing the reader to the nature of the
fossil evidence.

Zimmer, C. (2005). Smithsonian intimate guide to human
origins. New York: HarperCollins.
This book by science writer Carl Zimmer is an intelligent
and engaging presentation of the evidence of human evolu-
tion that includes discoveries up to 2005. It is also beautifully

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