Evolution And History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Horowitz, Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala, Roger Lewin, Anne
Nacey Maggioncalda, Charles C. Mann, Jonathan Marks, Sir
Robert May, Anna Roosevelt, Robert M. Sapolsky, Sherry
Simpson, Meredith F. Small, Karen Springen, William Ury,
and Jane C. Waldbaum, Among these individuals we par-
ticularly want to acknowledge our admiration, affection,
and appreciation for our mutual friend and colleague Jim
Petersen, whose life came to an abrupt and tragic end while
returning from fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon. Jim’s
work is featured in one of the pieces by Charles C. Mann.
We have debts of gratitude to office workers in our
departments for their cheerful help in clerical matters:
Debbie Hedrick, Karen Rundquist, Emira Smailagic, Ka-
tie Weaver, and Sheri Youngberg. And to research librar-
ian extraordinaire Nancy Bianchi and colleagues Yvette
Pigeon, Paula Duncan, Lajiri Van Ness-Otunnu, and Mi-
chael Wesch for engaging in lively discussions of anthro-
pological and pedagogical approaches. Also worthy of
note here are the introductory anthropology teaching as-
sistants who, through the years, have shed light for us on
effective ways to reach new generations of students.
Our thanksgiving inventory would be incomplete
without mentioning individuals at Wadsworth Publish-
ing who helped conceive this text and bring it to fruition.
Special gratitude goes to acquisitions editor Erin Mitchell
and to senior development editor Lin Marshall Gaylord
for her vision, vigor, and anthropological knowledge. Our
thanks also go out to Wadsworth’s skilled and enthusiastic
editorial, marketing, design, and production team: An-
drew Keay (marketing manager), Melanie Cregger (media
editor), Pamela Simon (editorial assistant), Rachel Krapf
(assistant editor), as well as Jerilyn Emori (content project
manager) and Caryl Gorska (art director).
In addition to all of the above, we have had the in-
valuable aid of several most able freelancers, including
our photo researchers Billie Porter and Susan Krapov,
who were always willing to go the extra mile to find the
most telling and compelling photographs, and our skilled
graphic designer Lisa Buckley. We are especially thank-
ful to have had the opportunity to work once again with


n this day and age, no textbook comes to fruition with-
out extensive collaboration. Beyond the shared endeav-
ors of our author team, this book owes its completion to
a wide range of individuals, from colleagues in the disci-
pline to those involved in the production process. We are
particularly grateful for the comments received through
an electronic survey as well as the remarkable group of
manuscript reviewers listed below. They provided unusu-
ally detailed and thoughtful feedback that helped us to
hone and re-hone our narrative.
Stewart Brewer, Dana College
Kendall Campbell, Washington State University
Jennifer Coe, Jamestown Community College
Julie David, Orange Coast College and California
Baptist University
Rene M. Descartes, State University of New York at
Sylvia Grider, Texas A&M University
Susan H. Krook, Normandale Community College
Barbara J. Michael, University of North Carolina
Renee B. Walker, SUNY College at Oneonta
Linda F. Whitmer, Hope International University
Holly E. Yatros, Oakland Community College and
Macomb Community College
We carefully considered and made use of the wide range
of comments provided by these individuals. Our deci-
sions on how to utilize their suggestions were influenced
by our own perspectives on anthropology and teaching,
combined with the priorities and page limits of this text.
Neither our reviewers nor any of the other anthropologists
mentioned here should be held responsible for any short-
comings in this book. They should, however, be credited
as contributors to many of the book’s strengths.
Thanks, too, go to colleagues who provided material
for some of the Original Study, Biocultural Connection,
and Anthropology Applied boxes in this text: John Crock,
Katherine Dettwyler, Frans B. M. de Waal, Anabel Ford,
Michele Goldsmith, Donna Hart, John Hawks, Michael M.


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