Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

([email protected]) #1

  1. 1 The Gains from Trade 804
    Interpersonal, Interregional, and International Trade 805
    Illustrating the Gains from Trade 806
    The Gains from Trade with Variable Costs 811
    Sources of Comparative Advantage 814

  2. 2 The Determination of Trade Patterns 816
    The Law of One Price 817
    The Pattern of Foreign Trade 818
    Is Comparative Advantage Obsolete? 819
    The Terms of Trade 821
    Summary 824
    Key Concepts 824
    Study Exercises 825

Chapter 33 Trade Policy 828

  1. 1 Free Trade or Protection? 829
    The Case for Free Trade 829
    The Case for Protection 830
    Invalid Arguments for Protection 833

  2. 2 Methods of Protection 836
    Tariffs 837

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