Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Assignments and Gradebook

WileyPLUS includes pre-created assignments, which instructors can edit, in addition to tools that allow them to create their
own assignment materials. WileyPLUS simplifies and automates such tasks as assessing student performance, making as-
signments, scoring student work, keeping grades, and more.

s Learning Objectives: All content in WileyPLUS, in-
cluding media and questions, are mapped to Learning
Objectives that correspond to each section of the text.
Instructors can sort by learning objective to get the
exact content they need for their students.

s Test Bank questions are available for instructors to create assignments for students that will be auto-
for each chapter.

s Pre- and Post-Lecture Questions are available to help assess student performance before and
after they come to class.

s Video Questions are available for every video that appears in the course, so instructors can test their
students’ comprehension of the video content.

s Graphing Questions are available for each graphing activity module, so instructors can assess their
students’ understanding of the graphing activity content.

sGradebook reports show all the assignment students have completed or attempted to date.

Prepare and Present

s WileyPLUS allow instructors to easily add and manage presentation materials for student reference or
use in class.

s QuickStart includes ready-to-use question assignments and presentations for instructors to optimize
their time.

s Course materials, including lecture and image PowerPoints, video and animation Lecture Launcher
PowerPoints, and Wiley’s Visual Library for Biology, help you personalize lessons and optimize
your time.

WileyPLUS empowers you with the tools and resources you need to make your teaching even more

To learn more about WileyPLUS or to request a test drive, visit

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