Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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Choice/Getty Images




Global demand for bottled water is increasing, but most of these empty bottles are not
recycled. In 2011 the average American consumed 110 L (117 qt) of bottled water, which
translates into 60 million plastic water bottles per day (a). A return to water fountains
(b) or a shift to refillable bottles (c) could reduce some of this waste.

Solid Waste


tons. This represents a small decrease from 2005, a
change attributable to the economic downturn that
began in 2008.
Waste generation is an unavoidable consequence of
the prosperous, high-technology, industrial economies
of the United States and other highly developed nations.
Many products that would be repaired, reused, or recy-
cled in less affluent nations are simply thrown away.
Nobody likes to think about solid waste, but it is certainly
a concern of modern society—we keep pro-
ducing it, and places to dispose of it safely are
dwindling in number (Figure 16.1).

Types of Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste consists of the com-
bined residential and commercial waste pro-
duced in a municipal area. Municipal solid

  1. Distinguish between municipal and
    nonmunicipal solid waste.

  2. Describe the features of a modern sanitary
    landfill and relate some of the problems
    associated with sanitary landfills.

  3. Describe the features of a mass burn
    incinerator and relate some of the problems
    associated with incinerators.

  4. Explain the composting process.


he United States generates
more solid waste per capita than
any other country. (Canada is a
close second.) According to the
EPA, in 2010, the average person in the
United States produced 2.01 kg (4.43 lb) of
solid waste per day. This amount corre-
sponded to a total of 227 million metric

municipal solid
waste Solid
materials discarded
by homes, offices,
stores, restaurants,
schools, hospitals,
prisons, libraries, and
other commercial and
institutional facilities.


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