Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Artificial eutrophication, 261
Assimilation, 110
Association of Environmental Studies and
Sciences, 58
Asthenosphere, 298
Aswan High Dam, Egypt, 455, 455f
Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge,
Louisiana, 145f
Athens, Greece, 100f
Atlantic forest, Brazil, 32f
Atlantic Ocean
growth of, 298, 299
Hibernia oil platform, 62f
Atmosphere, 99, 192–195, 192f, 193f
and biogeochemical cycles, 108, 108f,
109, 109f, 111, 111f
carbon dioxide in, 122
circulation in, 194–195
and climate, 218–221
composition of, 192, 192f, 192t
global distillation effect, 190
layers of, 193f
ocean–atmosphere interaction,
Atmospheric science, 16
Audubon, John James, 51
Auroras, 193f
organic agriculture in, 368
protected lands in, 343f
Queensland flooding, 247f

Background extinction, 378
Bailey Elementary School, Falls Church,
Virginia, 31f
Dhaka open-air market, 80f
infant mortality in, 171f
microcredit in, 180f
polio vaccinations in, 166f
population and population density of,
Barren (polar ice) areas, 131f
Battery Park City, New York City, 37f
Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco,
California, 35
Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National
Park, Colorado, 143f
Bee colonies, 118, 118f
Belem, Brazil, 141t
Belize, 19f
Benthic environment, 278–281, 279f
Benthos, 142
Bioaccumulation, 82f, 83, 365
Biocentric preservationists, 53
Biocentric worldview, 34
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 258,
Biodegradable plastic, 401
Biodiesel, 450

Air toxics, 198
Aleutian Islands, 282, 282f
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 439,
boreal forest, 329
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 428, 429f
Fort Yukon, 132t
Muir Glacier, 216, 216f–217f
Pribilof Islands, 164, 164f
Tongass National Forest, 344, 344f
tundra, 129f
Wrangell–Saint Elias Wilderness, 339f
Aleutian Islands, 282, 282f
Alpine tundra, 132
Alternative agriculture, 360
Alternative energy, 48. See also Renewable
energy resources
Amazonas State, Brazil, 167f
Amazon Basin, Brazil, 40f, 330, 342f
Amazon rain forest, 79f
American Dust Bowl, 54
Ammonification, 110
Amphibian species, 15f
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 37f
commercial harvest of, 385–386
decline in varieties, 356
diseases carried by, 80, 81f
habitat corridors for, 326
increasing yields, 358
in national parks, 336, 338
Antagonism, 88
climate change in, 228f
ozone thinning over, 231
protected lands in, 343f
water temperatures around, 227
Anthropocentric worldview, 34
Antibiotics, given to livestock, 358
Antiquities Act (1906), 53
Aquaculture, 41, 286f, 287, 287f, 287t
Aquatic ecosystems, 142–147
brackish, 146–147, 146f
freshwater, 142–145, 143f–145f
Aquifers, 246
Aquifer depletion, 248–249, 249f
Aral Sea, 251, 251f
ozone thinning over, 231
protected ecosystems in, 342f
tundra, 129f, 132, 132t
warming of, 15f
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska,
439, 439f
Arctic sea ice. See Polar ice caps
Arid lands, 247
Ariquemes, Brazil, 227f
Cabeza Prieta Wilderness, 339f
desert, 129f, 139f
Grand Canyon National Park, 337f

Note: A page number followed by f indi-
cates figures, illustrations, or maps; a page
number followed by t indicates tables,
charts, or graphs.

Abiotic environment, 98
Acid deposition, 110, 111, 234–238, 234f,
236f, 422
effects of, 234f, 235, 236f, 423f
and mountaintop removal, 422
politics of, 235
recovery from, 235, 273–238
Acid mine drainage, 306, 306f, 422
Acid rain, 61, 234, 237–238
Active solar heating, 444–445, 444f
Acute toxicity, 77, 85
Adaptation, 147, 229
to climate change, 229–230
and predator–prey interactions, 119
Additivity, 87, 88
Adirondack Mountains, New York State,
237, 237f
Aerosols, 108, 224
Africa. See also Individual countries
food insecurity in, 350, 352
gender roles, 175f
GM crop opposition, 363
wildlife reserves in, 343f
Age structure, 172–174, 173f, 173t, 174f
Age structure diagrams, 172, 173f
Agricultural land, 230, 355
Agriculture, 353–368
challenges for, 355–358
and deforestation, 330, 331f
genetic engineering, 362–363
and global climate change, 226
improving, 40–41
industrialized, 353, 353f, 358, 359f
organic, 361, 368, 368t
pest control, 364–367
reducing water waste, 256
resource conservation in, 50
soil conservation and regeneration,
314–316, 315f
soil erosion reduction, 61
sustainable, 360–362
types of, 353–354
as water pollution source, 262
water use for, 247, 248, 248f
Agroecosystem, 361
Air pollutants, 108, 198, 206–209, 212
Air pollution, 196, 196f, 199f
in developing countries, 10
effects of, 201–205
emissions reduction, 61
indoor, 209–211
outdoor, 198–200
and respiratory disease, 89f
sources of, 198–200
types of, 196–198


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