Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

488 Visualizing Nutrition

New Zealand
North Island, 316f
ozone thinning over, 232t
protected lands in, 343f
Niches, 113–115
DDT-treated mosquito netting, 84f
gender discrimination in education,
Lagos, 242, 242f–243f
oil extraction and health in, 36
population and population density of,
Nile River, Egypt, 455, 455f
NIMBY (“not in my back yard”) response,
Nitrification, 110
Nitrogen cycle, 109–110, 109f
Nitrogen fixation, 110, 110f
Nitrogen oxides, 197, 235
Nomadic herding, 354, 354f
Nonmetallic minerals, 302
Nonmunicipal solid waste, 399, 399t
Nonpoint source pollution, 261, 261f, 262
Nonrenewable energy resources, 418–440.
See also Fossil fuels
coal, 122, 235, 237, 418, 419t, 421–423
natural gas, 423–430
nuclear, 22f, 430–438
oil, 13t, 290, 423–430, 439
Nonrenewable resources, 7
North America
Mount Mitchell, 423f
satellite view at night, 5f
tidal power in, 457
North American Association for Environ-
mental Education, 58
North Carolina
Great Smoky Mountain National Park,
Hanging Rock State Park, 101f
Okracoke Harbor, Outer Banks, 146f
North Island, New Zealand, 316f
No-tillage, 314
Nuclear energy, 430–438, 430f
conventional nuclear fission, 431–432,
431f, 432f
decommissioning nuclear power
plants, 438
and fossil fuels, 432, 434
and nuclear weapons, 435
radioactive wastes from, 436–438
safety of nuclear power plants,
Nuclear fission, 431–432, 431f, 432f
Nuclear fusion, 431
Nuclear power plants, 22f
coal-fired plants vs., 433t
decommissioning, 438
safety of, 434–435
Nuclear reactors, 432, 433f
Nuclear Waste Policy Act (1982), 436–437

Nuclear weapons, 435
Nutrient cycling, 312, 312f

Obama, Barack, and administration, 339,
Ocean(s), 272–294
acidifying, 15f
addressing problems of, 291–292
and biogeochemical cycles, 108, 108f,
109, 109f, 111–113, 111f, 112f
and climate change, 227, 228f
Coriolis effect, 195f
dead zones, 293
human impacts on, 284–290
major life zones in, 278–283
ocean–atmosphere interaction,
patterns of circulation in, 274–276,
threatened, 14f
Ocean–atmosphere interaction, 276–278
Ocean conveyor belt, 274–276, 275f
Ocean Dumping Ban Act, 288
Oceanic province, 278, 279f, 283, 283f
Ocean meridional circulation, 274
Ocean ranches, 287, 287f
Ogallala Aquifer, 249, 249f
Cleveland, 61, 64f
Cuyahoga River fire, 61
Ohio Valley, 237
Oil, 423–430
consumption of, 13t
drilling on wildlife refuges, 439
environmental impacts of, 428–430
global supply of, 426f–427f, 428
offshore extraction of, 290, 290f
reserves of, 425–428, 426f–427f
Oil pollution, 15f
Oil Pollution Act (1990), 428
Oil spills, 428–430, 429f, 441, 441f
Okavango Delta, Botswana, 119f
Okracoke Harbor, Outer Banks, North
Carolina, 146f
Oligotrophic lakes, 260, 260f
Ontario, Canada
acid-rain-damaged buildings, 68f
E. coli outbreak in, 77
runoff before and after urbanization,
Open dumps, 400
Open management (fishing), 286–287
Open-pit surface mining, 304, 304f
Open shrublands, 131f
Optimum amount of pollution, 67
Ore, 302
Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, 255f
Crater Lake, 260f
Estracada, 134t

Portland, 184
Proxy Falls, Cascade Range, 221f
Organic agriculture, 361, 368, 368f, 368t
Organic foods, 368
Organic Food Production Act (1990), 368
ecosystem interactions among,
soil, 311–312, 311f
value/importance of, 377
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural
Selection (Darwin), 147
Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida, 266f
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 68f
Otters, 282f
Our Common Future (U.N. World
Commission on Environment and
Development), 28
Overburden, 304
Overdrawing surface waters, 249–250
Overfishing, 272
Overgrazing, 334, 335
Overhunting, 385
Overnutrition, 350
Oxides, 302
Ozone, 198
in California, 204t
peak and average daily, 204t
Ozone layer, 193f
Ozone thinning, 15f, 231–233, 232f, 232t
causes of, 231
effects of, 231, 233
reversing, 233

Pacala, Stephen, 122
Pakistan, 170t, 176f
Palau, Micronesia, 146f
Pandemic disease, 80
Parasitism, 116, 117f, 118
Parent material, 309
Particulate matter, 196–197, 212t
Passive solar heating, 445, 445f
Pathogens, 78, 364
Pelagic environment, 279f
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge,
Florida, 339f
Three Mile Island nuclear disaster,
Washington’s Landing, Herr’s Island,
Pittsburgh, 183f
York County, 355f
Permafrost, 132
Per person GNI PPP, 170
Persian Gulf oil spill, 430
Persistence (of substances), 83
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 84,
84t, 191t
Peru, 144f
Pest control, 364–367
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