Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

490 Visualizing Nutrition

Reno, Nevada, 139t
Replacement-level fertility, 170
Reproductive capacity, 148
Reservoirs, 255–256
Resources, 7, 9, 48, 50. See also Consumption
alternative energy, 48
depletion of, 63–64
nonrenewable, 7.
protecting and restoring, 39–40
renewable, 7.
Resource conservation, 50
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA, 1976), 412
Resource degradation, 63
Resource partitioning, 114–115, 115f
Resource preservation, 50
Response, 85
of habitats, 387–388, 388f
of mining lands, 308, 308f
of rangelands, 335
Restoration ecology, 387, 388f
of old cars, 396
of solid waste, 405
water, 256
Rhine River Basin, 254, 254f
Rhizobium, 110
Richter scale, 300
Risk, 74
Risk assessment, 75–76
of cancer-causing substances, 87
of chemical mixtures, 87–88
steps in, 75f
Risk management, 74–76
Risong Bay, Palau, Micronesia, 146f
Rivers, 142, 144, 144f
Rock cycle, 301, 301f
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado,
Rodenticides, 364
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 38, 54
Roosevelt, Theodore, 52, 52f, 387
Roraima State, Brazil, 40f
Runoff, 108, 245
polluted, 261, 262
and sea level rise, 230
boreal forest, 329
Kamchatka Peninsula, 343f
Murmansk nuclear waste site, 438f
population and population density of,

Safe Drinking Water Act (1974), 266
Safe Drinking Water Act amendments
(1996), 92
Sahel region, Mali, 334f
St. Croix River, Taylors Falls, Minnesota,

Salinization, 250, 313, 313f
of irrigated soil, 250, 313, 313f, 358
and land degradation, 358
of surface water, 250
Salt marshes, 146, 146f, 147
Saltwater intrusion, 230, 248
A Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 54, 54f
San Francisco, California
Bayview Hunters Point, 35
plate boundaries, 299
San Francisco Bay, 441, 441f
Sanitary landfills, 400–403, 400f–402f
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 445f
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5f
Sareks National Park, Sweden, 343f
Saskatchewan, Canada, 133f
Savanna, 140, 140f, 140t
Scenarios, 229
Schistosomiasis, 455
Science, 17
prediction in, 18, 20
as process, 17–18
Scientific method, 18, 19f
Scrubbers (power plant), 422
Sea grasses, 281, 281f
Sea level rise, 226, 226f
and ocean temperatures, 290
and runoff, 230
Seasons, latitude and, 220
Secondary air pollutants, 196, 196f
Secondary consumers, 102, 102f
Secondary sludge, 266
Secondary succession, 153, 153f, 332
Secondary treatment (sewage), 265–266,
Second green revolution, 361
Second law of thermodynamics, 101
Sedimentary rocks, 301, 301f
Sedona, Arizona, 139f
Seed banks, 388, 389f, 390
Seed tree cutting, 326, 327f
Seismic waves, 300
Sekiu, Washington, 99f
Selective cutting, 326, 327f
Semiarid lands, 247
Senegal, 361f
Sessions, George, 33
Severn River, Shrewsbury, England, 20f
Sewage, 258
in developing countries, 268
water pollution from, 258, 259f
in water systems, 77–78
Shade plantations, 380
Shaft mines, 305, 305f
Shanxi Province, China, 421f
Shelterbelts, 316, 316f
Shelterwood cutting, 326, 327f
Shifting cultivation, 354
Shortgrass prairies, 136
Shrewsbury, England, 20f
Siberia, 329
Sick building syndrome, 209, 210

Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, 372,
Silent Spring (Carson), 26, 54–55
Simon, Julian, 55
Sinks, environmental, 62, 63
Sinnuris, Egypt, 179f
Slag, 305
Slash-and-burn agriculture, 330, 354
Slope mines, 305, 305f
Sludge, 265, 266
Smelting, 305
Smith, Robert Angus, 234
Smog, 201, 202
Smoking, 76, 88
Socolow, Robert, 122
Soil, 309–316, 309f
agricultural, 361
conservation and regeneration of,
erosion of, 313
formation/composition of, 309–311
organisms in, 311–312, 311f
pollution, 313
reclamation, 296
Soil Conservation Service, 54
Soil erosion, 313, 313f
Soil horizons, 311
Soil organisms, 311–312, 311f
Soil pollution, 313
Soil profile, 310, 310f, 311
Solar energy
and atmospheric circulation, 194f
direct, 444–449
finding locations for installations, 48
indirect, 450–455
insolation, 219–220, 219f, 220f
Solar-generated hydrogen, 448–449, 449f
Solar thermal electric generation, 447–
448, 448f
Solid waste, 398–408, 405f
Curitiba garbage purchase program,
disposal of, 400–404
reducing, 404–408
types of, 398–399, 399t
Solvent, water as, 245
Solving environmental problems, 20–23
Source reduction (solid waste), 405
South Africa, 120f
South Asia, 350
South Bronx, New York City, 90f
South Carolina, 320, 321f
South Dakota, 136f
Soviet Union, 251
Spain, 48t
Species, 98, 374. See also Biological
diversity (biodiversity)
amphibians, 372, 372f–373f, 373t
conserving, 388–390, 389f
endangered and threatened, 378, 379f,
382, 384–386
endemic, 379
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