Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

492 Visualizing Nutrition

United States
acid deposition in, 235, 237
ecological footprint of, 10, 11t
endangered ecosystems in, 341, 341t
endangered species in, 3t
ethanol consumption, 451
export of scrap to China, 404
forests in, 332
GM crops in, 363
hydropower in, 454–455
land use in, 322–323.
mineral stockpiling, 304
organic agriculture growth, 368t
organic food demand, 368
overnutrition in, 350
politics of acid deposition in, 235
population and population density of,
precautionary principle in, 91
public lands in West, 342f
renewable energy in, 48t
U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, 291
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Arboretum, 388, 388f
Upwelling, 276–277, 277f
Urban agglomerations, 184
Urban areas
air pollution in, 201, 202
disease transmission in, 80
environmental problems of, 182–183,
182f, 183f
shift from rural areas to, 184t
Urban heat islands, 204–205, 205f, 205t
Urbanization, 181, 184t
environmental benefits of, 183–184
environmental problems with, 182–
183, 182f, 183f
and population growth, 181–186
trends in, 184–185
Utah, 337f
Utilitarian conservationists, 52

Values, 31–34
Variable, 18
Vegetation, in biomes, 130f–131f
Falls Church, 31f
salvage yard, 396f–397f
Volcanoes, 299
and air pollution, 198, 199f
and global temperatures, 225f
Voluntary simplicity, 29–30

Washington, D.C., 413f, 446f

Washington’s Landing, Herr’s Island,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 183f
Washington State
Clallam Bay, Sekiu, 99f
Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 340f
Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia River,
Hoh Rain Forest, 134f
Lake Washington, 96–97, 96f–97f
Proxy Falls, Cascade Range, 221f
Seattle, 29f
hazardous. See Hazardous waste
radioactive, 436–438
solid. See Solid waste
Wastewater treatment, 265–266, 265f,
Water. See also Freshwater resources;
aquatic ecosystems, 142–147
and biogeochemical cycles, 108, 108f,
109, 109f, 111–113, 112f, 245,
distribution of, 242t
for fast-growing cities, 185f
hydrologic cycle, 245–246, 245f,
hydropower, 454–455, 454f, 455f
importance of, 244
limited supply of, 242
properties of, 244–245
soil erosion caused by, 313f
tidal energy, 457
Waterborne diseases, 77–78, 78t
Water conservation, 256, 257f
Water management, 254–257
Water pollution, 258–269
diseases transmitted by, 78t
groundwater, 263
improving water quality, 264–269
from mining, 306
monitoring, 20f
sources of, 261–263
types of, 258–261
Water quality, improving, 264–269
Water scarcity
in cities, 43
and population growth, 248
projected, 244
Watersheds, 108, 245, 252t
Water table, 248
Wat Mahathat, Thailand, 33f
Weather, 218
and air pollution, 202–204, 203f
and ocean–atmosphere interaction,
Weathering processes, 309
West Africa, 251
Westerlies, 195

Western worldview, 32–34, 32f, 33f
West Pokot, Kenya, 41f
West Virginia
Cabin Creek, 422f
coal-burning power plants, 68f
Germany Valley, 135f
Preston County, 306f
Wetlands, 245
constructed, 266, 266f
freshwater, 145, 145f
Wet sulfate, 61
Whitman, Christine Todd, 91
Wilderness, 338
Wilderness Act (1964), 338, 339
Wilderness areas, 338–339
“Wilderness Essay” (Stegner), 54
Wildfires, 138, 138f, 154, 154t
Wildlife refuges, 322f, 387, 439
Winds, 195, 195f
Wind energy, 452, 453f, 453t
Wisconsin, 388, 388f
Wise-use movement, 340
Wolong Nature Reserve, China, 343f
Women, status of, 177–178, 177f
Wooded grasslands, 130f
Woodlands, 130f
World Conservation Strategy, 391–392
World hunger, 350–352, 351f
Worldviews, 31–34
Wrangell–Saint Elias Wilderness, Alaska,

Yangtze River, China, 454f, 455
Yellow River, China, 251
Yellowstone National Park, 153, 336, 338,
Yields (agricultural), 353, 356–357, 357f
Yongchuan, Chongging, China, 118f
York County, Pennsylvania, 355f
Yosemite National Park, California, 53f,
Yosemite National Park Bill (1890), 52
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 22, 437, 437f
Yukon, Canada, 132f, 190

Zero population growth, 166
Zimbabwe, 79
Zion National Park, Utah, 337f
Zooplankton, 142, 282
Zooxanthellae, 280
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