Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

leadership, institutional grants, or loans (Stafford, Perkins,

PLUS, etc.).

Division II institutions (more often than Division I institu-

tions) try to combine one of the foregoing types of financial

aid with a partial athletic scholarship in order to increase the

total amount of financial aid to a prospect. The larger the

non-athletic financial aid package, the greater the chance of

recruiting the prospect. However, unlike Division III institu-

tions, Division I and II colleges usually don’t negotiate an

increase in the non-athletic categories of financial aid. The

category left open for negotiations is usually the athletic

financial aid award.

As you discuss/negotiate financial aid, paying very, very

close attention to your financial aid arithmetic, be sure you

are combining all types of financial aid in order to calculate

the total financial aid package. When you and the coach agree

upon the athletic scholarship, he/she and the athletic direc-

tor will notify the college financial aid office of the amount

offered. This is accomplished by sending an initial Athletic

Tender (that must be signed by you, the athletic director, and

the coach) to the institution’s financial aid office. The NCAA

requires this so that the total amount of financial aid being

offered in that sport can be monitored. It’s required so that all

athletic tenders offered are compatible within the institution’s

and the NCAA’s allowable limits of total athletic financial aid

for that particular program.

The financial aid office then combines the athletic scholar-

ship with the financial aid you will be awarded in the other

categories previously noted. You will receive two documents

indicating the awarding of financial aid:

  1. Award Letter. This document itemizes each financial aid

106 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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