Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
student athlete. Each college publishes the cost for a stu-
dent to enroll in that institution. That cost is used as the
benchmark for one full grant-in-aid athletic scholarship.
That benchmark scholarship number multiplies the equiv-
alency number assigned to a sport. The product of that
multiple determines the actual dollar amount available to
award to athletes in the sport being considered. The num-
ber of athletes receiving athletic financial aid is irrelevant;
only the total amount of dollars in aid given matters in
equivalency sports.

Equivalency Limits for Division I Sports

Men’s Sports Women’s Sports
Baseball 11.7 Archery 5.0
Cross-Country/Track 12.6 Badminton 6.0
Fencing 4.5 Bowling 5.0
Golf 4.5 Cross-Country/Track 18.0
Gymnastics 6.3 Fencing 5.0
Ice Hockey 18.0 Field Hockey 12.0
Lacrosse 12.6 Golf 6.0
Rifle 3.6 Ice Hockey 18.0
Skiing 6.3 Lacrosse 12.0
Soccer 9.9 Rowing 20.0
Swimming 9.9 Skiing 7.0
Tennis 4.5 Soccer 12.0
Volleyball 4.5 Softball 12.0
Water Polo 4.5 Squash 5.0
Wrestling 9.9 Swimming 14.0
Synchronized Swimming 5.0
Team Handball 10.0
Water Polo 8.0

122 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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