Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Financial Aid Limits 127

If it is important to you to play intercollegiate basketball

(as opposed to practicing as the “scout squad” against your

school’s real team), you will want to maintain a higher level of

flexibility in your negotiations with the coach. Because of the

number of scholarships available, wise prospects have three to

four potential programs they are negotiating with in order to

ensure a roster position and a solid financial aid package.

As with football, videotape is an essential ingredient to your

successful recruitment. Create yours carefully, using the sug-

gestions provided in the videotape section.

Include in your video episodes of ball-handling drills;

demonstrate your shooting ability, using every shot you have

developed. This is especially important to centers and power

forwards as they need to demonstrate they can face the basket

and score as well as possess shots that begin with their backs to

the basket like turnaround jumpers and hook-shots. Players in

these positions must also demonstrate that they can and will

score in the face of an opponent.

As with football, participation at prestigious or elite camps

is good for creating exposure. Shoot-outs are also the best ven-

ues for basketball exposure. Many coaches attend prestigious

high-school shoot-outs. However, it’s important to remember,

they are usually in attendance to evaluate prospects they are

already recruiting. If your coach doesn’t enter your team in a

summer shoot-out, ask him or her to enter one in your area.

Coaches like shoot-outs for scouting purposes as it gives

them the opportunity to observe their prospect really playing

basketball with all its intensity and skill, demanding the best

of the players. Try to learn which coaches will be scouting the

shoot-outs you attend.

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