Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Interdepartmental Communications 143

the attributes of her school and the wisdom of your choice

to attend it. She gushes, in her enthusiasm for the college,

“Our president doesn’t care if our teams are successful. One

of the delightful experiences you can look forward to here at

Bunkerschnives University is, on Saturday afternoons in the

fall, going to the stadium and watching our losing football

team. It’s absolutely inspiring. And, if that isn’t exciting

enough, during the winters months you can watch our losing

basketball team as well. Now isn’t that another great reason

to attend Bunkerschnives?” Not so much. The president does

care, because she knows the student body wants winning ath-

letic programs. Most incoming students investigate the quality

of the school’s athletic programs; from what I’m told, athletics

is usually the first link clicked from the home landing page.

Little-known and almost-tiny Davidson University marched

through larger, popular Division I programs in the 2008 NCAA

basketball championships. That team and that coach were

inspiring, and I’m not the only one that noticed them. In the

two months following the school’s unlikely NCAA basketball

success, the number of inquiries for enrollment at Davidson

increased by more than 45 percent. Winning sports programs

attract students to colleges. So coaches, no matter how much

money they can or can’t offer qualified prospects, must still

field competitive and usually winning teams. They know the

consequences if they don’t!

Twins were cut from a cheerleading squad as seniors in high

school, even though they had been members since they were

freshmen. Rather than spend a lot of emotional energy on

feeling sorry for themselves, they decided that they wanted to

do something at school to replace the busy lives they led as

cheerleaders. The school had a nascent swimming program so

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