Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Arizona State U
Auburn U
Ball State U
Boise State U
Bowling Green State U
Brigham Young U
Brown U
California State U, Fullerton
California State U,
Centenary College (LA)
Central Michigan U
College of William and Mary
Cornell U
Eastern Michigan U
George Washington U
Illinois State U
Iowa State U
Kent State U
Louisiana State U
Michigan State U
North Carolina State U
Northern Illinois U
The Ohio State U
Oregon State U
Pennsylvania State U
Rutgers, State Univ of New
Jersey, New Brunswick
San Jose State U
Southeast Missouri State U
Southern Utah U
Stanford U
Temple U
Towson U
U.S. Air Force Academy
U of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
U of Alaska Anchorage
U of Arizona
U of Arkansas, Fayetteville
U of California, Berkeley
U of California, Davis
U of California, Los Angeles
U of Denver
U of Florida

U of Georgia
U of Illinois at Chicago
U of Illinois, Champaign
U of Iowa
U of Kentucky
U of Maryland, College Park
U of Michigan
U of Minnesota, Twin Cities
U of Missouri, Columbia
U of Nebraska, Lincoln
U of New Hampshire
U of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill
U of Oklahoma
U of Pennsylvania
U of Pittsburgh
U of Utah
U of Washington
Utah State U
West virginia U
Western Michigan U
Yale U

Seattle Pacific U
Southern Connecticut
State U
Texas Woman’s U
U of Bridgeport

College of Brockport, State
U of New York
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hamline U
Ithaca College
Massachusetts Institute of
Rhode Island College
Springfield College
State U College at Cortland
U of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

U of Wisconsin, La Crosse
U of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
U of Wisconsin, Stout
U of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Ursinus College
Wilson College
Winona State U

ICE hoCkEy
Bemidji State U
Boston College
Boston U
Brown U
Clarkson U
Colgate U
College of the Holy Cross
Cornell U
Dartmouth College
Harvard U
Mercyhurst College
Minnesota State U, Mankato
Niagara U
Northeastern U
The Ohio State U
Princeton U
Providence College
Quinnipiac U
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Robert Morris U
Sacred Heart U
St. Cloud State U
St. Lawrence U
Syracuse U
Union College (NY)
U of Connecticut
U of Maine, Orono
U of Minnesota Duluth
U of Minnesota, Twin Cities
U of New Hampshire
U of North Dakota
U of vermont
U of Wisconsin, Madison
Wayne State U (MI)
Yale U

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