Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

38 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

competition. Consult your NCAA Guide for the College-Bound

Student-Athlete for telephone football and basketball contact

rules. You or your parents may contact a coach by phone at

any time. After the aforementioned July 1 date, if available,

you may contact a coach via a provided toll-free number. No

student or athlete from the school may make a recruiting call

to you, but you can call them after the July 1 date.


An evaluation is “any off-campus activity used to assess your

academic qualifications or your athletic ability, including a

visit to your high school (during which no contact occurs) or

watching you practice or compete at any site.” Sound confus-

ing? It can be. That’s why it’s important to own an NCAA

Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete so that you can refer

to it on an as-needed basis.

Contacts and evaluations are both considered by the NCAA

as “recruiting opportunities.” All sports other than football

and basketball must limit recruiting opportunities to seven.

Basketball has a limit of five and football three. And with many

sports contacts and evaluations are limited to certain calendar

dates. Other times are designated as “dead time.” Again the

need to consult your NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-

Athlete becomes essential to be successfully recruited.

There are many other Byzantine restrictions and regulations

explained in the Guide. Each school can require even more robust

standards than the NCAA, if they choose—but very few do.

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