Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Academic Requirements 45

think, practice, believe in and discipline yourself, and compete as

hard as possible.

Another valuable exposure technique is enrolling in top-

level summer camps in your sport. Be sure college coaches

are either running the camp or are teaching at the camp.

Camps provide instant exposure. However, the truth is that

most college coaches that observe athletes at these camps are

there not to discover athletes for their programs. They are usu-

ally in attendance to observe prospects that they are already

recruiting. I strongly recommend that you attend sports camps

that teach skills as their primary objective. If you wish to

attend a camp that teaches skills and development, I further

recommend attending a camp run by an area high-school

coach who has developed a reputation as a great teacher in

the sport. These high-profile high-school coaches often alert

college coaches about developing athletes participating in

their camps. The truth is that high-school coaches are gener-

ally interested in helping you improve and develop; college

coaches are interested in helping themselves. By making these

commitments, you can reach the

dream of playing your sport at the

collegiate level and receive finan-

cial aid from the college for which

you compete.

Unfortunately, there are many pros-

pects that want the recruiting process

to be easy. They are uncomfortable

with, some even hostile to, the expec-

tation that they must perform in the

classroom, sacrifice during practices,

and execute on the field of competition. They don’t want to



Tr uT h Is

You will spend the

rest of your life as

an adult.

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