Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

If interested, team sport coaches almost universally ask for

videotape. It is a quick and effective way to evaluate your skill,

ability, intelligence, and intensity. Even some individual-event

coaches request videotape (e.g., track, wrestling, swimming). A

well-produced videotape can generate great benefits for you. A

poorly produced one, while not a kiss of death, does not help

you accomplish your objective.

The best videotapes include five sections:

  1. video profile. An opening 30-to-40-second still shot of the

top section of your profile (but don’t include the picture).

  1. Personal introduction. You, on camera, introducing your-

self, giving a few personal statistics (name, age, high school,

height, weight, graduation date, position/event, high school

coach’s name, ACT/SAT score, NCAA core-course GPA, etc.),

and a short statement similar to the following. Practice the

statement—out loud.

“Hi, I’m Morsly Horsefeather. I play defensive tackle and

fullback for Homefield High School. I weigh 207 pounds and

am 6’1” tall. I graduate in June of 2011. My ACT score is 21

and my core-course GPA is 2.6. My coach is Bobo Otendoten.

I want to be considered as a prospect for Rumbler football. I

hope you will agree that this tape shows that my level of play

chapter 8

The Videotape

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