Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

84 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 4B | Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat

Extending the Activity

  • Once students have created the food chain, have them cover
    up one of the images and discuss what they think will happen
    to the rest of the plants and animals in the food chain. Will all
    of them die? Could they fi nd another source of food? What
    else do they think those animals could eat? For example, if the
    zebra is removed, what else do they think the lion could eat?
    (giraffe) Expand on the food chain by talking about possible
    replacements. What happens if there are no replacements? Can
    the animals survive without anything to eat?
    [For Instructional Master 4B-2 (Arctic Food Chain), you may wish
    to use Image Cards 1 and 3. For Instructional Master 4B-3 (Desert
    Food Chain), you may wish to use Image Cards 4, 6, and 7.]

Habitat Chart
Note: Remind students that they are not expected to read all the
words on the chart because they are still learning the rules for
decoding. Tell them that you are writing what they say so that you
can remember their answers, and that you will read the information
on the chart to them.
Briefl y review information that is on the chart already. Remind
students that each column is about a different habitat. Point to
the column for the savanna habitat. You may wish to have the
class think of a symbol for the savanna habitat and draw it at the
top of the column. Tell students that you will fi ll in this chart with
information they have learned about the savanna habitat.
Read the items for the rows: Climate, Water, Ground, Plants, and
Animals. Have students tell you about each of these features
for the savanna habitat. A completed chart may look like the
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