Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

112 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point

 Identify the characteristics of the temperate deciduous forest
 Explain how temperate deciduous forest animals have adapted
to the temperate deciduous forest habitat

Student Performance Task Assessment

 Habitats: Arctic, Desert, Savanna, and Forest
(Instructional Master PP-1)
Directions: Look at the pictures in the row, and name the habitats
in order with me: arctic, desert, savanna, and forest. [Be sure that
students are clear which habitat each picture represents.] I will say
a sentence that describes one of these habitats. Circle the picture
of the habitat my sentence is about.

  1. This habitat is hot, dry, and sandy. (desert)

  2. This habitat experiences all four seasons. (forest)

  3. This habitat is cold and icy. (arctic)

  4. This habitat is also called grassland because it is covered in
    grass. (savanna)

  5. Polar bears live in this habitat. (arctic)

  6. Giraffes and zebras are animals that live in this habitat.

  7. This habitat is full of deciduous trees that lose their leaves in
    the winter. (forest)

  8. Cactus grows in this habitat. (desert)

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