Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

130 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 6A | Animals of the Tropical Rainforest Habitat

quickly climb trees, and a long tail to help it balance as it runs
along branches. The boa constrictor has jaws that open wide
so it can eat its prey whole and is camoufl aged so it can sneak
up on its prey. The jaguar has sensitive hearing and an excellent
sense of smell, and its paws are covered with thick fur so that it
can effectively and quietly hunt its prey. Leafcutter ants can carry
up to ten times their weight so they can bring food back to the
[Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for
students, as necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the
I am going to ask a question. I will give you a minute to think about
the question, and then I will ask you to turn to your neighbor and
discuss the question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share
what you discussed with your partner.

  1. Evaluative Think Pair Share: How is a tropical rainforest similar
    to a temperate deciduous forest? (They both have trees; are
    home to many plants and animals; etc.) How is it different? (A
    tropical rainforest stays warm, wet, and green all year.)

  2. After hearing today’s read-aloud and questions and answers,
    do you have any remaining questions? [If time permits, you
    may wish to allow for individual, group, or class research of
    the text and/or other resources to answer these questions.]

Word Work: Canopy 5 minutes

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “[T]he trees grow so thickly and
    so close together here that, from above, you can only see a
    canopy of thick, green leaves.”

  2. Say the word canopy with me.

  3. A canopy is a covering above an object that blocks out

  4. The canopy made the forest fl oor shady.

  5. Have you ever seen a canopy? If so, where? [Suggestions:
    outdoor tent, covering over restaurant tables, covering in a
    parking lot. Ask two or three students. If necessary, guide and/
    or rephrase the students’ responses: “I saw a canopy at.. .”]

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