Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

132 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 6B | Animals of the Tropical Rainforest Habitat

Note: Extensions may have activity options that exceed the time
allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain within the time
periods allocated for this portion of the lesson, you will need to
make conscious choices about which activities to include based
on the needs of your students.

Extensions 20 minutes

Habitat Chart 10 minutes
Note: Remind students that they are not expected to read all of
the words on the chart because they are still learning the rules for
decoding. Tell them that you are writing what they say so that you
can remember their answers, and that you will read the information
on the chart to them.
Briefl y review information that is on the chart already. Remind
students that each column is about a different habitat. Point to
the column for the rainforest habitat. You may wish to have the
class think of a symbol for the rainforest habitat and draw it at the
top of the column. Tell students that you will fi ll in this chart with
information they have learned about the rainforest habitat.
Read the items for the rows: Climate, Water, Ground, Plants, and
Animals. Have students tell you about each of these features
for the rainforest habitat. A completed chart may look like the

AAnimals of the Tropical nimals of the Tropical

RRainforest Habitatainforest Habitat^6 B

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