Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

142 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 7A | Animals of the Freshwater Habitat

them that on the globe, large bodies of water are shown in blue.
Ask several students to point to areas of land and areas of water
on the globe.
Tell students that today they are going to learn about another
water habitat: a freshwater habitat. Explain that fresh water is
water that does not have very much salt in it; it is often water that
people can drink. A freshwater habitat is different from the water
habitat found in the Arctic Ocean, which is called a saltwater
habitat. The water that is found in oceans is salty. Tell students
that they will learn more about other saltwater habitats in the
next lesson, but today, they are going to learn about freshwater
 Show image 7A-1: Examples of freshwater habitats
Tell students that this illustration shows different kinds of
freshwater habitats, such as rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.
Show students the globe, and point out some examples of
freshwater habitats, such as major rivers and lakes. Ask students if
they can think of any examples of freshwater habitats in their area.
Tell students that they are going to learn about some of the plants
and animals that live in and around fresh water.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes
 Show image 7A-1: Examples of freshwater habitats

  1. In today’s lesson you will hear about freshwater habitats.

  2. Say freshwater with me three times.

  3. Freshwater is water that is not salty. Freshwater is water that
    we drink.

  4. Only a very small amount of Earth’s water is freshwater. The
    water in rivers, lakes, and streams is freshwater. [Point to a
    few areas on the U.S. map that have freshwater.]
    The water from the ocean, sea, and bay is saltwater, not
    freshwater. [Point to the oceans on the U.S. map that are

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