Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 7B | Animals of the Freshwater Habitat 151

  • Sarah’s mother gave her three one-dollar bills to buy milk.

  • The mallards have small fi sh in their bills.

  • There are a few bills in the mail that need to be paid.

  • There are pictures of different U.S. presidents on the bills.

 Syntactic Awareness Activity^5 minutes

Making a List Using the Conjunction or
Note: The purpose of these syntactic activities is to help students
understand the direct connection between grammatical structures
and the meaning of text. These syntactic activities should be used
in conjunction with the complex text presented in the read-alouds.
There may be variations in the sentences created by your class.
Allow for these variations, and restate students’ sentences so
that they are grammatical. If necessary, have students repeat the
sentence after you.

  1. Conjunctions are a kind of word we use to connect words and

  2. We use the conjunction or to join words and phrases that
    present another idea or option, especially when we need to
    make a choice. Today we will use the conjunction or to make
    a list of options or choices.
     Show image 7A-7: Rainbow trout
    Listen to Rattenborough’s sentence about what rainbow trout eat.
    I will emphasize the conjunction or as I read:
    The rainbow trout is a carnivore. Its dinner tonight might be
    insects, other fi sh, or mice.

  3. [Write insects, fi sh, or mice on the display, and read it to the
    class.] Notice that in this sentence, Rattenborough uses the
    conjunction or when he lists what the rainbow trout might eat
    for dinner.
     Show image 7A-8: Bullfrog

  4. The conjunction or is used to join the last item on a list. Let’s
    listen to another sentence.
    [Write snakes, birds, or insects on the display, and read it to

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