Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 7B | Animals of the Freshwater Habitat 153

medium, or big? [Tape the card near the word big on the right-
hand side of the line.]

  1. [Repeat this process with the remaining cards: tiny, mini,
    petite, wee, little; normal, average; gigantic, colossal, giant,
    jumbo, large. When all the cards have been attached to the
    word wall, read the words with students.]

  2. With your partner, choose two words from the Horizontal Word
    Wall, and make a sentence for each word.
    [Display the Horizontal Word Wall throughout the domain, and
    encourage students to add additional words to the wall.]

Habitat Journal: The Freshwater Habitat
(Instructional Master 7B-1) 20 minutes

  • Tell students that they will make another page for their Habitat
    Journals. Today they will draw a freshwater habitat. [You may
    wish to review Flip Book images of the freshwater habitat before
    having students begin this activity.]

  • Give each student Instructional Master 7B-1. Discuss what they
    have learned about the freshwater habitat. To help students
    brainstorm ideas for their drawings, you may wish to ask
    questions such as the following:

  1. What kind of freshwater habitat will you draw? (lake, river,
    pond, wetland or stream)

  2. What kind of plants will be in your drawing? Will any of them
    fl oat on the water?

  3. Will there be insects in your drawing?

  4. Will there be fi sh in your drawing?

  • After students have fi nished their drawings, ask them to write
    one sentence to describe their drawings of the freshwater
    habitat, using their sound/letter knowledge to sound out and
    write out their sentences.

  • Have students share their journal page in small groups or with
    home-language peers.

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