Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 8 | Animals of the Saltwater Habitat 155

 Accurately identify shallow/deep, cool/warm, and dark/light as
antonyms, and provide other examples of common antonyms
 Prior to listening to “Animals of the Saltwater Habitat,” orally
identify what they know and have learned about freshwater

Core Vocabulary

plankton, n. Very small animals or plants that drift in saltwater or
Example: The blue whale eats a type of animal plankton called krill.
Variation(s): none
regeneration, n. The process of regrowing a body part, such as a limb or
an organ
Example: If one of the starfi sh’s arms is cut off, the starfi sh grows a new
arm through a process called regeneration.
Variation(s): none
shallow, adj. Not deep
Example: He swam in the shallow end of the pool because he was just
learning how to swim.
Variation(s): shallower, shallowest
slopes, v. Inclines or is at an angle
Example: A hill that slopes downward is good for sledding.
Variation(s): slope, sloped, sloping
valleys, n. Lowlands between two areas of highland
Example: The river fl owed in the valley between the two mountains.
Variation(s): valley
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