Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 8B | Animals of the Saltwater Habitat 169

Habitat Review 15 minutes

  • Display Habitat Posters 5–7 at the front of the class. Name each
    habitat with the students.

  • Tell students that you will hold up an Image Card of a plant or
    animal and that they need to help the plant or animal fi nd its
    home, or habitat. Have students identify the plant or animal on
    the Image Card. Then put the Image Card next to a Habitat Poster
    and ask, “Does belong in the habitat? Hold up
    Rattenborough for yes or keep Rattenborough on your lap for no.”

  • Alternatively, you can place the Habitat Posters in different
    locations around the room. Pass out Image Cards 16–26 to
    students—either one card per student or one card per pair of
    students, depending upon the number of students in your class.
    Tell students to stand next to the Habitat Poster that depicts the
    habitat of the plant or animal card that s/he is holding. Finally,
    invite the students standing next to each Habitat Poster to
    present the plants and animals that live in that habitat.

Domain-Related Trade Book 20 minutes

  • Refer to the list of recommended trade books in the Introduction
    at the front of this Supplemental Guide, and choose one trade
    book about a freshwater or saltwater habitat to read aloud to the

  • Explain to students that the person who wrote the book is called
    the author. Tell students the name of the author. Explain to
    students that the person who makes the pictures for the book
    is called an illustrator. Tell students the name of the illustrator.
    Show students where they can fi nd this information on the cover
    of the book or on the title page.

  • As you read, use the same strategies that you have been
    using when reading the read-aloud selections—pause and ask
    occasional questions; rapidly clarify critical vocabulary within
    the context of the read-aloud; etc.

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