Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

174 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 9 | Habitat Destruction and Endangered Species

Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud and Extensions may have activity
options that exceed the time allocated for that part of the lesson.
To remain within the time periods allocated for each portion of
the lesson, you will need to make conscious choices about which
activities to include based on the needs of your students.

Exercise Materials Details
Introducing the Read-Aloud (10 minutes)
What Have We Already

KWL Chart for the arctic habitat;
Habitat Chart

Use these graphic organizers to review
how plants and animals have adapted
to their habitat, in particular the arctic
Vocabular y Preview:
Endangered Species, Extinct

Image 9A-4; pictures of
endangered and extinct species.
Purpose for Listening
Presenting the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
Habitat Destruction and
Endangered Species

U.S. map

Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Destroy

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Extensions (20 minutes)
Multiple Meaning Word
Activity: Match

Poster 5M (Match)

Brainstorming Links chart paper, chalkboard, or

Note: Your class may be interested in
researching a local endangered species.
You may wish to follow the same format
to make an additional Brainstorming Link
for this endangered species.

Advance Preparation
Bring in pictures of endangered and extinct species. You may wish
to use the following websites for reference:
(Find endangered species in your state.)
(View pictures and read about a few extinct species.)
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