Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

176 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 9A | Habitat Destruction and Endangered Species

  1. Humans need to be careful not to ruin the habitats of
    endangered species.

  2. [Show pictures of a few endangered species. Name the
    endangered species.] This is an endangered species. Does
    this mean there are many of them living or very few of them
    living? Why do you think this species became endangered?

  3. In today’s read-aloud you will learn that people try to keep the
    endangered species safe, so the endangered species will not
    become extinct.

  4. Say extinct with me three times.

  5. Extinct means no longer alive; and refers to a kind of animal
    or plant that has died out completely and/or can no longer be
    found on the earth.

  6. The bald eagle almost became extinct.
    Dinosaurs are extinct.

  7. [Show pictures of extinct animals. Name the animal.] This
    animal is extinct. Does this mean that there are any other
    animals like it in the world? Does this mean that we think this
    type of animal will ever appear on the earth again?

Purpose for Listening
Tell students to listen carefully to fi nd out how habitat changes
have affected the bald eagle.
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