Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 187

to the Habitat Poster of the habitat to which their plant or animal
belongs. Students will present their habitat to the rest of the class.

Riddles for Core Content

Ask students riddles such as the following to review core content:

  • I live in the Arctic, and I spend most of my time fl oating on sea
    ice. What am I? (polar bear)

  • I am a plant that can survive in the desert. I am known for my
    prickly spines. What am I? (cactus)

  • I live in groups called prides in the savanna, and I am a carnivore
    that eats other animals. What am I? (lion)

  • I have white and black stripes and live in the savanna. I am prey
    to the lion. What am I? (zebra)

  • I live in a hole in an oak tree in the forest. I am active at night
    and enjoy eating small animals. What am I? (barred owl)

  • I live in the forest where I graze on grass, leaves, and berries. I
    only eat plants, so I am a herbivore. What am I? (deer)
    You may also wish to make some of your own riddles that focus
    on predator/prey, categorizing animals as carnivore, herbivore, or

Venn Diagram: Freshwater Habitat and Saltwater Habitat

Materials: Chart paper, chalkboard, or whiteboard
Create a Venn diagram with two overlapping circles on chart
paper, a chalkboard, or a whiteboard. Label the circles with simple
drawings of a river or a lake, representing a freshwater habitat, and
an ocean wave, representing a saltwater habitat. Ask students to
think about how freshwater and saltwater habitats are alike. (Both
have water; both support plant and animal life; both have fi sh.)
Record students’ responses in the overlapping part of the circles.
Next, ask students to think about a freshwater habitat and how
it is different from a saltwater habitat. (freshwater: much smaller
area, water lilies, rainbow trout, dragonfl y, frog; saltwater: much
larger area, coral reef, whales, sharks, starfi sh)
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