Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

190 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment

  1. Carnivore: A carnivore eats only other animals. (smiling face)

  2. Hibernate: To hibernate means to sleep during the long, cold
    winter. (smiling face)

  3. Extinct: There is a chance that an extinct animal will come
    back to life. (frowning face)
    Directions: I am going to read more sentences using other words
    you have heard in the read-alouds. If I use the word correctly in my
    sentence, circle the smiling face. If I do not use the word correctly
    in my sentence, circle the frowning face. I will say each sentence
    two times.

  4. Adapt: To adapt means not to change; or to stay the same.
    (frowning face)

  5. Survive: Survive means to live. (smiling face)

  6. Enormous: Enormous means very tiny. (frowning face)

  7. Shallow: Shallow means not deep. (smiling face)

  8. Destroy: It would destroy the forest if someone cut down all
    the trees. (smiling face)

Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)
Directions: I am going to read a sentence about animals and their
habitats. First, you will listen to the sentence that I read. Next, you
will look at the pictures in the row and circle the correct answer(s).

  1. Circle the three items that a habitat has or provides.

  2. Circle the foods that omnivores eat.

  3. Circle the animal that is a predator. Put a check mark next to
    its prey.

  4. Circle the animal or animals that are carnivores.

  5. Circle the animal or animals that are herbivores.

  6. Circle the rainforest habitat.

  7. Circle the desert habitat.

  8. Circle the savanna habitat.

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