Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 193

Exploring Student Resources

Materials: Domain-related student websites
Pick appropriate websites from the Internet for further exploration
of the rainforest, freshwater, and ocean habitats as well as
endangered species.

Videos Related to Habitats

Materials: Videos related to the rainforest, freshwater, and
ocean habitats
Carefully peruse the Internet for short (5 minute), age-appropriate
videos related to the rainforest, freshwater, and ocean habitats.
Prepare some questions related to the content presented in the
Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from
listening to a storybook or read-aloud.
Have students ask and answer questions using question words
who, what, when, where, and why regarding what they see in the

Fresh Water vs. Salt Water

Materials: Clear container; water from a pond or other
freshwater environment; salt; drinking water; two
small drinking cups per student
Note: Do not allow students to drink the water from a pond or
other freshwater environment you have brought in. Instead, have
them drink the drinking water.
Bring to class a clear container of water scooped from a pond, or
other water that has been sitting outdoors in the open for at least
two weeks. Use magnifying glasses, microscopes, or an overhead
projector to allow students to observe some aquatic organisms.
Then, mix a half-teaspoon of salt with one cup of water to simulate
the salinity of ocean water. Pour a small amount of salt water into
a drinking cup for a few students. Pour drinking water into the
other drinking cup for each student. Consistent with your school’s
policies, have the students dip a fi nger in the salt water and taste
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