Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide | Introduction 3

habitats are located in more than one place. Suggested locations for
Image Card placement are mentioned within the lesson covering each

  • Know-Wonder-Learn (KWL) Charts—You may wish to create a KWL
    Chart for a few of the habitats in this domain. Use the KWL Chart to
    record what students already know about a habitat (K), what they
    wonder about a habitat (W), and what they have learned about a
    habitat (L). Introduce the KWL Chart during Purpose for Listening, and
    record what students already know and what they wonder; continue
    the KWL Chart during Comprehension Questions, and record what
    they have learned. Revisit the KWL Chart when the class reviews the

  • Habitat Chart (Instructional Master 2B-1)—Create a large, class
    Habitat Chart to record information students recall about the following
    five habitats: arctic, desert, savanna, forest, and rainforest.

  • Habitat Journal—The writing project for this domain is an informational
    journal. Students will draw and write about a specific habitat that is
    presented in the read-alouds. Individual journal pages are provided as
    Instructional Masters in the Appendix. Domain Assessment #3 is the
    cover page for their Habitat Journal.

  • Food Chain Game (Instructional Masters 4B-1, 4B-2, and 4B-3)—These
    food chain worksheets visually capture a food chain for the following
    habitats: savanna, arctic, and desert.

  • Rattenborough cutout (Instructional Master 4B-5)—Students will
    color in and write their names on their own cutout of Rattenborough.
    Students can use this cutout to answer class questions or place it on
    the correct Habitat Poster during the Habitat Review activities.

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