Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 253

Dear Family Member,

In the next few days, your child will learn about the rainforest habitat, the freshwater
habitat (lakes and rivers), and the saltwater habitat (oceans). Your child will also learn
about endangered species and the causes of extinction.

Below are some suggestions for activities that you may do at home to continue to
enjoy learning about animals and habitats.

  1. Help Save the _____!

At the end of this domain, your child will learn about endangered species. Endangered
species are animals that are almost extinct or have almost completely died out. Your child
will learn that it is important to protect the habitats of endangered species. Have your
child draw a picture of an endangered species s/he has learned about in class.

  1. Name that Habitat

Your child will learn about the rainforest and saltwater habitats. Name a few items
from one of these habitats (below), and see if your child can name that habitat.

Rainforest: Amazon, vines, kapok tree, toucan, macaw,
squirrel monkey, boa constrictor, jaguar

Saltwater: ocean, coral reef, starfi sh, lobster, shark, blue

  1. Sayings and Phrases: A Fish Out of Water

Your child will learn the saying “a fi sh out of water.” This
saying describes how people might feel uncomfortable or a
little strange in a new or different environment. Talk to your
child about times s/he might have felt like a fi sh out of water
and what s/he did to adapt to the situation.

  1. Read Aloud Each Day

Please continue to read to your child each day.

Be sure to let your child know how much you enjoy hearing about the different
animals and habitats s/he has learned about at school.


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