Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 1A | What Is a Habitat? 21

Domain Introduction 5 minutes
Explain to students that living things generally live in a place that is just
right for them. Tell students that over the next several weeks they will
learn about many animals and plants and the places in which they live.

 Show image 1A-1: Rattenborough the explorer

Explain to students that an explorer rat named Rattenborough
will introduce them to many different animals and plants and the
places where they live. Point to Rattenborough in the picture.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

  1. In this domain, we will learn about different habitats.

  2. Say habitats with me three times.

  3. Habitats are places that offer food, water, and shelter for the
    animals and plants that live there.

  4. There are many different kinds of habitats on the earth.
    [Show students the different habitats covered in this domain:
    Image 2A-2 (Arctic); Image 3A-3 (Desert); Image 4A-2
    (Savanna); Image 5A-3 (Forest); and Image 6A-2 (Rainforest).
    Name each habitat, and have students name them along with

  5. Tell your partner which habitat you are excited to learn more

Purpose for Listening
Tell students to listen to fi nd out more about why plants and
animals live where they do.
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