Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 1A | What Is a Habitat? 23

Animals and plants usually live in habitats that are just right
for them. Just as people can’t live underwater or in the air, plants
and animals can’t all live in the same sorts of places. You don’t
hear about elephants living near the North Pole on all that ice, and
you defi nitely don’t hear about polar bears living in the desert!
Pumpkins don’t grow in the sea, and fi sh don’t live in trees.
 Show image 1A-3: Friendly climate for rats
I can tell you fi rsthand that rats can’t live just anywhere in the
world. I don’t like the weather to be too cold, and I need to live in
a place where food is easy to fi nd! That’s why I like my cozy little
shelter under the steps: it is warm enough for my family and me,
there is always plenty of water, and there is always a good supply
of food in the trash.
 Show image 1A-4: Park
How about we have a look around? You might have a park like
this somewhere near your neighborhood.^6 People like to spend
time playing and relaxing in this park. But it’s a habitat for many
other things, too! The grass, trees, fl owers, and bushes in this park
need food and water to live.^7

 Show image 1A-5: Park animals
The animals that live in the park share it as a habitat. That
includes the pigeons that fl y around looking for crumbs to eat;
the squirrels, owls, and chipmunks that live in those trees; the
bees, fi refl ies, and mosquitoes buzzing about; the raccoons and
opossums that come out at night; and even the frogs and fi sh in

8 Where do you think these animals the pond nearby.^8
might fi nd food, water, and shelter
in the park habitat?

6 Here the word park means a piece
of public land in or near a town
or city that is used for recreation
and exercise. The word park can
also mean to leave a car, truck, or
motorcycle in a particular place.

7 Have you ever seen a park? What
kinds of plants live in the park
habitat in your neighborhood?

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