Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

44 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 2A | Animals of the Arctic Habitat

  1. [Show Image Cards 1 (Arctic Hare), 2 (Caribou), and 3 (Arctic
    Fox).] In today’s lesson you heard about these animals which
    have adapted to their Arctic habitat. Tell me some of the ways
    each animal has adapted to the Arctic habitat. Be sure to use
    the word adapted in your answer.
    [Ask two or three students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase
    students’ responses: “The has adapted to the Arctic habitat
    because.. .”]

  • Arctic hare: [Hint: look at the color of its fur; the size of its ears.]
    The Arctic hare has adapted to the Arctic because it has white
    fur, so it blends in with the snow; its fur gets thicker in the
    winter, so it can stay warm; and its ears are smaller, so less of its
    body is exposed to the cold.

  • Caribou: [Hint: look at the number of Caribou; look at their fur;
    look at the male’s antlers.] Caribou have adapted to the Arctic
    habitat because they travel in herds, so they are protected from
    attack by other animals; they have hair that traps air, so they are
    kept warm; male caribou have antlers, so they can dig for grass
    in the snow.

  • Arctic fox: [Hint: look at the color of its fur; look at what is on its
    feet.] The Arctic fox has adapted to the Arctic habitat because
    it has white fur in the winter, so it blends in with the snow; it has
    brown fur in the summer, so it blends in with its surroundings
    in the summer; it has fur on its feet, so it can walk on snow and

  1. What’s the word we’ve been talking about?
     Show image 2A-10: Walruses
    Use a Discussion activity for follow-up. Directions: Tell your partner
    some ways walruses have adapted to the Arctic habitat. (Walruses
    have adapted to the Arctic habitat by storing blubber, or fat, under
    its skin, so they stay warm; they have tusks, or long teeth, so they
    can pull themselves up out of the water and onto the ice.)

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day

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