Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

62 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 3B | Animals of the Sonoran Desert Habitat

Note: Extensions may have activity options that exceed the time
allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain within the time
periods allocated for this portion of the lesson, you will need to
make conscious choices about which activities to include based
on the needs of your students.

Extensions 20 minutes

 Multiple Meaning Word Activity^5 minutes
Associated Phrase: Fan
Note: You may choose to have students hold up one or two
fi ngers to indicate which image shows the meaning being
described, or have a student walk up to the poster and point to
the image being described.

  1. [Show Poster 2M (Fan).] In the read-aloud you heard, “It really
    is way too hot for a regular rat like me to live here. I’m glad
    I brought my fan with me.” Which picture shows a fan that
    helps keep the temperature cool?

  2. Fan can also mean something else. Fan also means a person
    who likes or admires someone or something, such as a
    musician or a sports team. Which picture shows fans cheering
    at a game?

  3. [Point to the fan that is cheering at a sporting event.] With
    your partner, talk about what you think of when you see this
    kind of fan. (When I see this kind of fan, I think of cheering,
    football, team, music, etc.)

  4. [Point to the fan that is a machine used to make things cooler.]
    With your partner, talk about what you think of when you see
    this kind of fan. (When I see this kind of fan, I think of summer,
    hot air, wind, etc.)

AAnimals of the Sonoran nimals of the Sonoran

DDesert Habitatesert Habitat^3 B

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