Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

72 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide 4 | Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat

Exercise Materials Details
Extensions (20 minutes)
Food Chain Game Savanna—Image 4A-15; Image
Cards 8, 10, and 11; Instructional
Master 4B-1
Arctic—Image Cards 1 and 3;
Instructional Master 4B-2
Desert—Image Cards 4, 6, and 7;
Instructional Master 4B-3

There is a Food Chain worksheet for the
savanna, arctic, and desert habitats. You
may wish to complete the worksheet
for the savanna habitat for this lesson
and complete the other two during the
Pausing Point and Domain Review.

Habitat Chart Habitat Chart
Habitat Journal: The Savannah

Instructional Master 4B-4, drawing
Habitat Review Image Cards 1–11; Habitat Posters
1–3; Instructional Master 4B-5
(Rattenborough cutout)

Invite students to put their Rattenborough
cutout on the correct Habitat Poster.

Domain-Related Trade Book trade book about the desert or the
savanna habitat; drawing paper,
drawing tools

Advance Preparation
Bring in additional images of the savanna or grassland habitat;
fi nd an age-appropriate short video about the savanna habitat (or
tropical savanna or savanna biome) to show to the class.
Make copies of Instructional Masters 4B-1, 4B-2, and 4B-3 for
each student. They will use these worksheets for the Food Chain
Make a copy of Instructional Master 4B-4 for each student. This
will be the savanna habitat page in their Habitat Journal.
Make copies of Instructional Master 4B-5 so that each student has
a Rattenborough cutout. Have students color and write their name
on Rattenborough. Then have students cut him out. Students will
use their Rattenborough cutout to answer questions during the
Habitat Review activities.
Find a trade book about the desert or the savanna to read aloud to
the class.
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