Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Cycles in Nature: Supplemental Guide 6 | Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? 113

Exercise Materials Details

Extensions (20 minutes)

Multiple Meaning Word
Activity: Stage

Poster 1M (Stage)

Sequencing the Life Cycle of a

Image Cards 10–12; Cycles
Poster 4 (Life Cycle of a Chicken);
Instructional Masters 6B-1 and
6B-2, scissors, glue

Interactive Illustrations drawing paper, drawing tools

Domain-Related Trade Book trade book about the life cycle of a

Take-Home Material

Family Letter Instructional Masters 6B-3 and

Advance Preparation
Make copies of Instructional Masters 6B-1 and 6B-2 for each
student. Students will create their own Response Card for the life
cycle of a chicken.
Bring in images of different animal embryos (be sure that images
are accurate and age-appropriate), several magnifying glasses,
eggshells, a fresh egg, and a clear jar. Note: Be sure to check with
your school’s policy regarding food distribution and allergies. Do
not allow students to touch the fresh egg.
Find short, age-appropriate video clips of the life cycle of a
chicken to reinforce read-aloud content.
Find a trade book about the life cycle of a chicken to read aloud to
the class.
Note to Teacher
As you show the inside of a fresh egg, students may wonder why
there was not a baby chick inside. Explain that the inside of this
egg did not become a chick because it was not fertilized by a
rooster. If an egg is not fertilized, it can never grow into a baby
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