Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

78 Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide 4 | Beauty and the Beast, Part II

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 Lesson Objectives

Core Content Objectives
Students will:
 Demonstrate familiarity with the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”
 Describe the characters, plot, and setting of “Beauty and the Beast”
 Identify common characteristics of fairy tales such as “once upon a
time” beginnings, royal characters, magical characters or events, and
happy endings
 Identify the fairy tale elements of “Beauty and the Beast”

Language Arts Objectives
The following language arts objectives are addressed in this lesson.
Objectives aligning with the Common Core State Standards are noted
with the corresponding standard in parentheses. Refer to the Alignment
Chart for additional standards that are addressed in all lessons in this
Students will:
 Recount “Beauty and the Beast” using a sequence of student-created
drawings of the read-alouds, and determine the central message,
lesson, or moral (RL.2.2)
 Describe, using the text and the images, how Beauty’s feelings
change towards the beast from the beginning of the story to the end
of the story (RL.2.3)
 Identify the characteristics of fairy tales, and explain the
characteristics as they apply to “Beauty and the Beast” (RL.2.5)
 Draw pictures, dictate, or write simple sentences to represent details
or information from “Beauty and the Beast,” including information
about the main characters, the setting, and an event from the plot of
the fairy tale (W.2.3)
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