Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide | Preface ix
many content words have multiple meanings associated with them.
Students with strong oral language skills may be able to navigate
through the different meanings of some words without much effort.
However, students with limited English language proficiency and minimal
vocabulary knowledge may be less likely to disambiguate the meanings
of words. This is why it is important that teachers have a way to call
students’ attention to words in the lesson that have ambiguous meanings
and that students have a chance to explore the nuances of words in
contexts within and outside of the lessons.
Syntactic Awareness Activities
Syntactic Awareness Activities call students’ attention to sentence
structure. During the early elementary grades, students are not expected
to read or write lengthy sentences, but might be able to produce complex
sentences in spoken language when given adequate prompting and
support. Syntactic Awareness Activities support students’ awareness
of the structure of written language, relationships between words,
and grammar. Developing students’ oral language through syntactic
awareness provides a solid foundation for written language development
in the later elementary grades and beyond.
Vocabulary Instructional Activities
Vocabulary Instructional Activities are included to build students’ general
academic, or Tier 2, vocabulary. These words are salient because
they appear across content areas and in a variety of written texts.
These Vocabulary Instructional Activities support students’ learning
of Tier 2 words and deepen their knowledge of academic words and
the connections of these words to other words and concepts. The
vocabulary knowledge students possess is intricately connected
to reading comprehension, and the ability to access background
knowledge, express ideas, communicate effectively, and learn about new
English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities
The Supplemental Guide assists education professionals who serve
students with limited English language skills or students with limited
home-literacy experience, which may include English Language Learners
(ELLs) and students with special needs. Although the use of this guide
is not limited to teachers of ELLs and/or students with special needs,