Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide | Alignment Chart xxi
Alignment Chart for Fairy Tales and Tall Tales
STD L.2.4b Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is added to a known word (e.g., unhappy, tell/retell). happy/
Use word parts to determine meanings
of unknown words in fiction or nonfiction/
informational read-alouds and discussions
STD L.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
STD L.2.5a Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe foods that are spicy or juicy).
Identify real-life connections between words and
their use (e.g., describe foods that are spicy or
Provide synonyms and antonyms of selected core
vocabulary words
STD L.2.5b Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g., adjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny). toss, throw, hurl) and closely related
Distinguish shades of meaning among closely
related verbs (e.g., toss, throw, hurl) and closely
related adjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny,
STD L.2.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).
Learn the meaning of common sayings and
Use words and phrases acquired through
conversations, reading and being read to, and
responding to texts, including using adjectives
and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids
are happy that makes me happy.)
These goals are addressed in all lessons in this domain. Rather than repeat these goals as lesson
objectives throughout the domain, they are designated here as frequently occurring goals.