Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide 2A | The Emperor’s New Clothes 47

Purpose for Listening

Remind students that the title of this fairy tale is “The Emperor’s New
Clothes,” first written by Hans Christian Anderson. Tell students that the
swindlers trick the people in this story. Tell students to listen carefully to
find out what the swindlers say and do to trick the people.

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Demonstrate familiarity with the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New

 Describe the characters, plot, and setting of “The Emperor’s New

 Identify common characteristics of fairy tales such as “once upon a
time” beginnings, royal characters, magical characters or events, and
happy endings

 Identify the fairy tale elements of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”

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