Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

72 Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide 3A | Beauty and the Beast, Part I

[Ask students: “Do you think it’s strange that the trees and garden do not have
snow? Do you think it is strange that it is warm and calm in the garden while
there is a snowstorm outside? Do you think it is strange that the flowers are in
full bloom in the middle of winter?”]
The man explored the garden until he came upon a row of
beautiful rosebushes. He remembered that Beauty had asked him
to bring her a rose. He reached out to pluck a rose. But just as the
stem broke, he heard a loud roar behind him.
“Who told you that you might gather roses in my garden!” said a
low, gruff voice.
[Ask students: “Who do you think said that?”]
The startled merchant turned around and saw a fearsome
creature, who was half man and half beast.
[Invite students to close their eyes and imagine what a fearsome creature would
look like.]
 Show image 3A-6: The beast confronts the merchant

“What!?” said the beast. “Is it not enough that I have given you
dinner and a place to wait out the storm? You must also steal my
“Please forgive me,” said the merchant, falling to his knees. “I
tried to find you to thank you for the meal. I will pay you for it, if
you like. As for the rose, I only wanted it for my youngest daughter,
Beauty. Her only wish when I left her was that I return with a rose for
her. Your gardens are so magnificent. I did not think you would miss
a single rose.”
“You are very ready with excuses and flattery—and kind words!”
Beast said. “But that will not save you from the punishment you
[Say to students: “Tell your partner what kind of punishment that might be.”]
“Oh, forgive me,” said the merchant, “if not for my own sake,
then for the sake of my daughters. If I do not return home, there will
be no one to support—and take care of—them.”
There was a long pause. Then the beast spoke again.
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