Name 18.4
© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 3^115
Help Farmer Chester Get Sunshine the Mule Back to the Barn!
Would you kiss a mule? Do you add in a math unit? Can corn on the cob rescue you?
Is a unicorn real? Are we in the United States? Should you argue with your mom?
Is the moon red? Does a unicorn have 3 horns? Do mules wear uniforms?
Can a mule sing a song? Can a boy be named Sue? Do you eat bacon in the bathtub?
Can you place mail in a mailbox? Can you read a menu at a diner? If you are seen in public, are you hiding?
Can a cucumber play a song? Is a tulip a sort of food? Can it be humid on a hot summer day?
Can a cute cat pat a dog? Can a unicorn use a crayon? Can you argue with a spider?
Can you write with a pencil on paper? Are you using your brain? Can you eat corn on a cob?